Today I’m participating in the The Awesome Indies Magical Mystery Tour, hosted by the Awesome Indies. From the 27th to the 30th September you’ll have the chance to pick up some special offers or win some awesome prizes at all the blogs participating in the tour, including mine.
Why is it called the Magical Mystery Tour? Because it highlights the magical and mysterious qualities of some of the books listed on the Awesome Indies. Also, there’s a chapter of a mystery at each blog, and a tour for you to take to read the full story and find the key you need to enter the Giveaway for an Amazon gift card. (First prize is a $25 card, second prize is $15 and third prizes is a $10 card.)
All you have to do is start at the Awesome Indies, follow the links from blog to blog, read the story and pick up the clue to the mystery key to enter the draw when you get back to the Awesome Indies. While you’re at each blog, read about the authors book and enter their giveaway or pick up their special offer.
If you haven’t started the tour, pop over to the Awesome Indies and start now (goes live Friday 27 September at midnight PST).
Go to the start of the Tour by clicking here
Why is it called the Magical Mystery Tour? Because it highlights the magical and mysterious qualities of some of the books listed on the Awesome Indies. Also, there’s a chapter of a mystery at each blog, and a tour for you to take to read the full story and find the key you need to enter the Giveaway for an Amazon gift card. (First prize is a $25 card, second prize is $15 and third prizes is a $10 card.)
All you have to do is start at the Awesome Indies, follow the links from blog to blog, read the story and pick up the clue to the mystery key to enter the draw when you get back to the Awesome Indies. While you’re at each blog, read about the authors book and enter their giveaway or pick up their special offer.
If you haven’t started the tour, pop over to the Awesome Indies and start now (goes live Friday 27 September at midnight PST).
Go to the start of the Tour by clicking here
If you’re on the Magical Mystery Tour already, then read on …
What is magical and/or mysterious about my co-authored book:

Growing Disenchantments
Releasing the world's most powerful magic talisman aided by an unwilling thief and with a distinct lack of forward planning. What could possibly go wrong?
Quite a lot, actually, and when magic is involved, the results can be catastrophic. Growing Disenchantments features an irascible illusionist, a young sorcerer (grumpy), an extremely powerful sorcerer bent on revenge (and extremely grumpy, but aren't they all?), and a mischievous imp.
Throw in stray magic causing havoc by bringing inanimate statues to life, a houseful of argumentative sentient furniture and household items, and the palace head of security trying to track down a stolen painting, and the action never stops.
Did I mention time travel? No? Well, Growing Disenchantments has a bizarre and unique twist on that too.
Releasing the world's most powerful magic talisman aided by an unwilling thief and with a distinct lack of forward planning. What could possibly go wrong?
Quite a lot, actually, and when magic is involved, the results can be catastrophic. Growing Disenchantments features an irascible illusionist, a young sorcerer (grumpy), an extremely powerful sorcerer bent on revenge (and extremely grumpy, but aren't they all?), and a mischievous imp.
Throw in stray magic causing havoc by bringing inanimate statues to life, a houseful of argumentative sentient furniture and household items, and the palace head of security trying to track down a stolen painting, and the action never stops.
Did I mention time travel? No? Well, Growing Disenchantments has a bizarre and unique twist on that too.
Buy now on Amazon (kindle), Book Depository (free shipping worldwide) or Smashwords (all ebook formats).
Special Offer Details:
Email me at kevinberryxxx @ [remove spaces] your proof of purchase of Growing Disenchantments, and I will email you a free copy of Dragons Away! Please specify if you'd like kindle format or epub format.
And the story continues...
Ghost Town
Part Three
Kevin Berry
“Are you saying the ghosts are real? My brother-in-law is dead. Someone killed him. Was it you?” Mandy raised the wooden club threateningly. She would use it to protect herself and Addie if she had to.
“No. It was her!” He pointed at Addie again.
Addie laughed at him. “You really are crazy!”
Mandy swiveled to stare at the skinny girl. The idea of her overpowering and killing a man seemed preposterous. But something seemed wrong. Different, somehow.
Her voice. Her voice had changed. The look in her eyes was sharper, even malevolent. There was a gleam of wickedness in them when she glanced at Mandy, but she quickly turned her attention on Kevin, and walked towards him determinedly.
Mandy gasped in shock. Kevin stepped back, clearly afraid by Addie's sudden transformation. “Keep away from me!” he shouted.
“What's going on?” cried Mandy. “What's happened to her?”
“She's possessed by the ghost of Mable Dirsely!” cried Kevin, stumbling backwards awkwardly as Addie closed upon him. “The whore's ghost hates all men. Why did you give her the comb? The spirit was in there, and now it's out again, to seek retribution!”
“Stop!” shouted Mandy, but Addie merely snarled almost inhumanly. She stretched a rigid, clawed hand towards the fallen Kevin, who grasped at his throat, choking.
“The comb!” he managed to wheeze, struggling to breathe.
Mandy stepped forward and swung her piece of wood. It crashed down on Addie's outstretched arm with a sickening crack that Mandy hoped was the wood, but feared it wasn't. Addie's arm hung at an unnatural angle. The creature growled and swiped the broken limb at Mandy, knocking her off her feet.
“You help men? Then you die too!” growled the possessed Addie, reaching down towards Mandy.
Mandy twisted out of the way of the grasping hand, and dug her own hand into Addie's pocket. She pulled out the comb and dashed it onto the wooden boards of the veranda, where it shattered.
Addie threw her head back and screamed, then collapsed on top of Mandy. The girl was so light, Mandy thrust her away with a single push and sat up.
Jennifer's SUV pulled up at the bottom of the steps, near Kevin, who lay sprawled on the ground, gasping for air. Mandy got to her feet, just as she saw Addie reviving.
“What happened?” cried the girl, grasping her injured arm. Mandy stared at her, but Addie looked normal once more.
“You were possessed by the ghost of Mable Dirsley. Don't you remember?”
“No,” moaned Addie, grimacing in obvious pain.
How am I going to explain this? thought Mandy, throwing her cudgel to the ground. She heard the door of the SUV slam and turned to face her sister. How would she be feeling right now?
Jennifer stood with one foot on Kevin's neck, pressing hard. She regarded Mandy with sharp eyes and a malevolent glare.
Part Three
Kevin Berry
“Are you saying the ghosts are real? My brother-in-law is dead. Someone killed him. Was it you?” Mandy raised the wooden club threateningly. She would use it to protect herself and Addie if she had to.
“No. It was her!” He pointed at Addie again.
Addie laughed at him. “You really are crazy!”
Mandy swiveled to stare at the skinny girl. The idea of her overpowering and killing a man seemed preposterous. But something seemed wrong. Different, somehow.
Her voice. Her voice had changed. The look in her eyes was sharper, even malevolent. There was a gleam of wickedness in them when she glanced at Mandy, but she quickly turned her attention on Kevin, and walked towards him determinedly.
Mandy gasped in shock. Kevin stepped back, clearly afraid by Addie's sudden transformation. “Keep away from me!” he shouted.
“What's going on?” cried Mandy. “What's happened to her?”
“She's possessed by the ghost of Mable Dirsely!” cried Kevin, stumbling backwards awkwardly as Addie closed upon him. “The whore's ghost hates all men. Why did you give her the comb? The spirit was in there, and now it's out again, to seek retribution!”
“Stop!” shouted Mandy, but Addie merely snarled almost inhumanly. She stretched a rigid, clawed hand towards the fallen Kevin, who grasped at his throat, choking.
“The comb!” he managed to wheeze, struggling to breathe.
Mandy stepped forward and swung her piece of wood. It crashed down on Addie's outstretched arm with a sickening crack that Mandy hoped was the wood, but feared it wasn't. Addie's arm hung at an unnatural angle. The creature growled and swiped the broken limb at Mandy, knocking her off her feet.
“You help men? Then you die too!” growled the possessed Addie, reaching down towards Mandy.
Mandy twisted out of the way of the grasping hand, and dug her own hand into Addie's pocket. She pulled out the comb and dashed it onto the wooden boards of the veranda, where it shattered.
Addie threw her head back and screamed, then collapsed on top of Mandy. The girl was so light, Mandy thrust her away with a single push and sat up.
Jennifer's SUV pulled up at the bottom of the steps, near Kevin, who lay sprawled on the ground, gasping for air. Mandy got to her feet, just as she saw Addie reviving.
“What happened?” cried the girl, grasping her injured arm. Mandy stared at her, but Addie looked normal once more.
“You were possessed by the ghost of Mable Dirsley. Don't you remember?”
“No,” moaned Addie, grimacing in obvious pain.
How am I going to explain this? thought Mandy, throwing her cudgel to the ground. She heard the door of the SUV slam and turned to face her sister. How would she be feeling right now?
Jennifer stood with one foot on Kevin's neck, pressing hard. She regarded Mandy with sharp eyes and a malevolent glare.
Click HERE to enter the Magical Mystery Tour Giveaway. Use the name of the missing card from the Spades suite as the password to enter the draw.